Work, school, pandemic life, pets, screen time, health challenges... I hate it when people say, "During these unprecedented times..." but, for real, during these unprecedented times, my family started feeling a little disjointed. Every weekend seemed to bring some new way for us not to spend any time together, even though all we've been doing…
Highlighting Deaf Culture
By mwahlmeier
A few weeks ago, my colleagues and I were beside ourselves with excitement when we heard about a new easy reader series called Emma Every Day.
By mwahlmeier
I’ve been feeling a lot of tension lately. In my jaw, my neck and shoulders. In my rapid heartbeat and racing thoughts. Maybe you have, too.
Brave Learning in the Time of Corona
By athompson
Parenting in the Time of Corona is an educational and emotional roller coaster. Whether you are prepping to board the hybrid trolley, sticking with distance learning for life, or jumping on board the homeschool train, we are all spending a lot more time with our kids' education. It would be nice if all this "extra…
Survival Guides
By Dan Coleman
The other day at breakfast, I quizzed my kids on weasel scats. They are age seven and nine, and potty humor is their thing these days, so I figured they would really dig Figure 22 of A Field Guide to Animal Tracks, by Olaus J. Murie: “Droppings of the weasel family, in proportionate sizes.” Surprisingly…
Dark Music for Dark Times and Otherwise Happy People
By jbonner
From Humble Beginnings Death metal has been one of my obsessions for the majority of my adult life. In 2007, middle school Joel found a video on a fledgling media worldwide website, Youtube. This video depicted a famous marching band scene from popular children’s cartoon Spongebob Squarepants. However, the audio had been replaced with a…
Mysterious Spooky Scavenger Hunt
By ltaylor
Do you remember Game of Gnomes? Name that Tune? We here at LPL love to throw a good scavenger hunt and we've whipped up the spookiest mystery for you to solve this October! Hunt around 13 spooktacular parks and find 18 adorable ghosts (You read that right, some parks have more than one ghost), collect…
Books I Think Are Better Than Dave Ramsey’s
By alonghurst
This photo is a picture of my future self taken from my vision board. Man, was I excited at mid Spring when I had in my sight the payoff date of my 20 year old student loan. For a couple years prior, I had been putting every extra cent I made working full time and…
Little Libraries of Lawrence: Part Deux
By lnewton
Almost exactly two years ago, I wrote my first ever LPL Blog about a selection of the Little Free Libraries in Lawrence and the impassioned bibliophiles behind them. The response was overwhelming and two things became abundantly clear: 1. This town is absolutely bonkers for cute little homes for books to share, and 2. Because of…
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