Movie Night! (Halloween Edition)

Work, school, pandemic life, pets, screen time, health challenges... I hate it when people say, "During these unprecedented times..." but, for real, during these unprecedented times, my family started feeling a little disjointed. Every weekend seemed to bring some new way for us not to spend any time together, even though all we've been doing…
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I’ve been feeling a lot of tension lately.  In my jaw, my neck and shoulders.  In my rapid heartbeat and racing thoughts.  Maybe you have, too.
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Survival Guides

The other day at breakfast, I quizzed my kids on weasel scats. They are age seven and nine, and potty humor is their thing these days, so I figured they would really dig Figure 22 of A Field Guide to Animal Tracks, by Olaus J. Murie: “Droppings of the weasel family, in proportionate sizes.” Surprisingly…
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