The Ross and Marianna Beach Author Series
Hear from nationally-recognized authors about why they write. Each year we bring an author to town for a community conversation about what inspires them, followed by a book signing and meet-n-greet. Thank you to Ross and Marianna Beach for their generosity and support in helping us achieve our mission and goals for our community.
Read Across Lawrence
Let's read together! Once a year, Lawrence comes together as a community to read the same book, explore its major themes, and participate in discussions and interactive programs. Read Across Lawrence is a meaningful (and really fun!) way to get to know your neighbors through a mutual love of reading.
Summer Reading
Read books! Attend events! Win prizes! Reading is essential over the summer. Reading engages kids' and teens' brains so the critical skills learned over the school year aren't lost. For adults, Summer Reading encourages sanctioned brain breaks for growth and exploration, and it's proven that it makes us live longer!
780s Series
Celebrate a notable life in music. In the Dewey Decimal system, 780 marks all things music, a literary reference to tie in our annual speaker series that brings musicians to Lawrence to share stories that influenced their music. It is made possible through a generous private donation from the Harrison Family Fund of the Douglas County Community Foundation in partnership with Lawrence Public Library Friends & Foundation.