Go to our catalog and log in.
Find your wished-for item, and place it on hold:
If you don’t see this option, turn off your single-click holds preference on your ‘On hold’ page.
When your hold is ready, you will get an email alerting you to pick up your items. Be sure to pick them up within 3 days.
There are no library staff to troubleshoot at the locker, so be sure your account is in good standing.
You don’t owe $10.00 or more in fines
You don’t have 50 or more total items checked out and you haven’t exceed other checkout limits
You didn’t cancel any locker holds if they were in “ready to pickup” status. Instead, check them out, then drop them into the returns bin on the sidewalk in front of Hy Vee.
Your account has no card renewal date on your “My borrowing” pages. If a renewal date is there, it needs to be later than today. If the renewal date is today or earlier, trek down to the library with your photo id to renew it before checking out at the locker.