Just kidding. I know exactly why they aren't: because there is pitiful nutritional value. As I round the end of my fourth decade on this good green-and-blue earth, I consider my relationship to food. For some of us, it's a mechanical process that is necessary by dint of our stomach rumbling and once we're done…
What’s up with Airplane Movies?!
By mleibold
There is something exciting about getting on a long flight and looking through the movie selection to find a film to occupy your time.
Fall Volunteen applications are open!
By kallen
Applications are open for fall teen volunteer positions!
Summer is for Chills: Japan’s Spooky Season
By cjames
In Japan, summer vacation begins right around the time ours is coming to an end – in August. But did you know that in the land of sushi, Shinto shrines and anime, summer in Japan is also traditionally the season for ghost stories? That’s right! For centuries, the Japanese have honored their ancestors with a…
Monster Romance 101
By ltaylor
Monster Romance has been quietly gaining traction and quietly evolving within the Romance genre for years. But before we dive into the history, let’s define our genre a bit. Monster Romance encompasses any romance that features a main character/love interest that is decidedly not human. They can be an alien, mythical creature, dinosaur, cryptid, etc…
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