We got a puppy! An unplanned spontaneous puppy but, a sweet little puppy nonetheless. Her name is Sadie and she’s a Lab Border Collie mix. She is a handful but also the cutest!
In the Garden with Common Ground
By winters
Terese tests and reviews Start Here by Sohla El-Waylly.
All of the Movies I’ve Watched Instead of Reading
By alopez
I am not exactly what you would refer to as an “avid moviegoer.” I have no idea what’s currently playing in theaters, I couldn’t even begin to tell you who the hot new celebrity is capturing everyone’s attention on screen (wait, is it Zendaya???), and I rarely watch movies unless my friend group convinces everyone…
Guess and Win
By Dan Coleman
I’ve always loved the Farmer’s Almanac and its old saws, especially those which make predictions or suggest the timing of things to be done based on observations of natural phenomena. There is the classic about wooly bear caterpillars predicting the severity of the coming winter by their markings (alas, debunked by the National Weather Service)…
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