The library has a lot of resources for you, dear patron, and we want you to use them as much as you like. Resources
- Understand what's "under the hood" and maybe even attempt to fix that loud-clanging that you currently ignore by turning up the music (sounds oddly specific, right?): Auto Repair Source.
- Discover library programs: search under “events” on our website. Or, check out our Reader Magazine.
- Access digitally the NYTimes newspaper every day of the year.
Click around on our website to your heart's delight and I suspect that you’ll be amazed! It has a VAST wealth of resources and quality information.
Visit Us, Peruse, and Use
- Did you know that we have city directories from the 1800s? Did you also know that we have Jayhawk yearbooks from the 1800s too? Our Helen Osma local history room has all kinds of neat finds! You won't be able to take these home, but you're welcome to browse away!!
- Shop our Downhall Books or Friends Express Bookstore for your next book buy any day the library is open. $1 per paperback. $2 per hardcover.
- Sit in our comfy seating next to a big window and read any of our 100 different magazine titles.
Gentle Catalog Searching Suggestions
It's usually more efficient to search the library catalog under “title” rather than “keyword” if you’re certain of the spelling and title of a book, CD, game, etc. If you simply prefer your handy Info team to do the searching, come to the As
k Desk. We're glad to assist!
- The filters on the left-hand side of the screen are a searcher's best friend. If the title is common and your search returns 2,000 hits, you can filter out by publication date, content (nonfiction vs. fiction), or format (book, DVD, CD, etc.) to find what you need.
Gentle Web Searching Suggestions
- These are some additional factoids about more efficient Google searching for when you need it.
- Wikipedia is a useful online encyclopedia. Check out their fundamental principles ("pillars") here. It's a beautiful endeavor of freely-available, community-sourced collaboration. If you're interested in joining the community of editors and content creators, there is plenty of information.
- Know that sometimes when you're searching for materials on a topic, you might stumble upon additional information in the course of your research that means you'll desire additional assistance finding information related to your project! It's an iterative process if the question is complex enough!! Sort of like building blocks of knowledge over's pretty cool, really.
Other Goodies a Library Card Gets You
- Check out 50 items per account! For more borrowing details, look here.
- Make up to three purchase requests per month if there's a book you think we should have or that you would like to read but isn't in our collection. All you need to do is create an online account, which takes a couple minutes. You'll be the first in line once it arrives.
Information Services Events
- Get handy tax information on our website.
- Not into contemplating paperwork/money just yet? Garden! Free seeds are available at our Seed Library along with gardening resources!
- A fabulous PlanetPalooza event is planned for April 3rd where you'll be able to view Mars, Uranus, Venus, and the Orion Nebula!
- Interested in hearing Perspectives on Ukraine?
- Ask your Info team a question through this form.
- Staff enjoy sharing quality information like LinkedIn Learning, Academic Search Premiere, Ancestry Library Edition, and Consumer Reports. Did you know that the library specializes in subsidizing access to quality information for you?
Know that you matter. Your information and entertainment needs matter too.
Cheers. Your library loves you.
-Theresa Bird is an Information Services Assistant at Lawrence Public Library.
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