Another year has come and gone. Once again we have an end of the year "best of" list for you. Here are our favorite albums from 2022:  Music Ian - Gonna give it to the genre defying, wild ride that is Motomami by Rosalía. Definitely see myself coming back to listen to this one for…
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LPL’s Best Movies of 2022

Another year has come and gone. Once again we have an end of the year "best of" list for you. Here are our favorite movies from 2022:  Jake C- X or Pearl - A24 has been releasing many great movies this year. This studio is reinventing the movie industry with unique and thought provoking storytelling. I…
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LPL’s Best TV of 2022

Another year has come and gone. Once again we have an end of the year "best of" media list for you. Here are our favorite shows from 2022:  Tricia - Annika  - I love Nicola Walker,  the protagonist in this new PBS Mystery series.  She portrays a detective who transfers back to the Glasgow police…
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A City Pop Summer

More so than any other season, summer finds me relistening to my favorite oldies—Sam Cooke, Bob Dylan, the Beatles, and more start showing up in the late spring and a month later, they’re dominating the airwaves. What can I say? The sixties and summer are perfect complements. This year though, I’ve been bopping my head…
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LPL Best of 2020: Media

It's no secret that 2020 was a stinker of a year, but here are some of the silver linings that got LPL staff through it.  This time around, we didn’t limit our media choices to things published in 2020, instead we just asked for whatever people loved the most (but most of them ended up…
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