Gratitude for This Adventure

An adventure reveals something about yourself, to yourself. Even if the day is structured around work, childcare, or eldercare, the adventure is in how we relate, how we move and speak, and what we choose to attend to from one moment to the next. One part of getting older is that I can appreciate the routine, even the mundane, that used to feel frustrating. I can't say that doing the dishes is a giddy ride on a rainbow but it has its place in the tapestry. In college, a friend said, "You know, Theresa, chores keep me sane." And I suspect he was right. 

For me, one of the adventures of the past few decades is creating the routine adulting into something fresh and meaningful each day. And for you, dear reader, it may be something altogether different.

Maybe adventure reveals itself as an unpeeling of your vulnerability. A willingness to be brand-new at a skill and reveal your newbie status. 

Maybe adventure means caring for an animal for the first time. My first cat as an adult didn't arrive until I was 36! 

Maybe adventure means facing pain, physical or emotional, and trying to understand it clearly enough to cope.

Maybe adventure means learning to repair your own stuff. Or trying yoga!

Maybe adventure means spending time alone without screens as a distraction.

Maybe adventure means psychotherapy or better sleep or new romances or music creation or trying new fiction genres that you used to think: fantasy isn't for me! Maybe adventure is trying out a new Nintendo Switch game. Or maybe adventure means learning how to save for a trip.

These are for you, dear reader, to pick and choose what you find worthwhile. No one can tell you that one form of learning is "better" or one topic is more important. I think we humans have an infinite capacity for learning, adapting, and loving. Our adventures provide much-needed structure and spark.

I've also discovered that gratitude is an adventure that isn't always easy to embrace but is yet another skill that helps with appreciating this thing we call "adulting". I've enclosed my most recent gratitude list below.

I hope you consider saying a "yes" to adventures that resonate! Wishing you many happy adventures, knowing that the library is here to support you.

"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." - Jawaharlal Nehru

Gratitude list:

a functioning body

ability to breathe easily

hair that's growing



steady yoga practice

body that doesn't hurt

free books (from the library, obviously!)

great coworkers

opportunities to learn


growing plants

-Theresa Bird is an Information Services Assistant at Lawrence Public Library.