1 Million Cups
A weekly event for local entrepreneurs to meet and present their businesses to the Lawrence community.
A weekly event for local entrepreneurs to meet and present their businesses to the Lawrence community.
A one-stop shop for information on starting and maintaining a business in Kansas.
THE CRUNCH is Peaslee Tech's business igniter and prototyping center dedicated to supporting the success of local businesses and entrepreneurs engaged in manufacturing by providing physical space, equipment and subject matter expertise.
For more information, please complete this form.
Search Network Kansas's directory of local business and entrepreneur resources.
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides free counseling to start-up companies, existing small businesses, and those who wish to sell or purchase a small business on topics including the startup process, business planning, financing and funding, marketing, accounting, human resources and taxes.
Business basics, start-up kits, industry information, and access to ebooks on a variety of business and career topics. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
Information and learning opportunities for entrepreneurs.
Publications covering a wide variety of business topics, including marketing, management, accounting, finance and economics. Includes access to the Harvard Business Review. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
Selected demographic and economic data from the Census Bureau to help you start or grow a business or understand the business landscape for a region, presented in a simple to use format. Freely available online.
This powerful tool is a one-stop shop for entrepreneurs and business researchers, offering industry research and consumer and demographic data, as well as white pages and job listings. Formerly known as Reference USA. Available in the library or remotely with your Lawrence Public Library card and PIN.
Statewide network of non-profit business-building resources that help entrepreneurs and small business owners startup and grow successful businesses. NetWork Kansas provides a variety of capital loan programs, a referral center to help you access business-building resources, and more!
This collection provides full text coverage for nearly 340 trade and industry related periodicals including American Machinist, Pediatric Nursing, Wireless Week, Drug Store News, Reeves Journal, Hotel and Motel Management, Restaurant Business, Advertising Age, plus indexing and abstracts for hundreds more. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
Best practices for entrepreneurial leadership, from the Kauffman Foundation.
An online curriculum dedicated to entrepreneurship.
Online tutorials on a wide array of professional and technology skills, from crafting a business plan to designing a website. Available in the library or remotely with your Lawrence Public Library card number and PIN.
Video-based courses for developing professional skills, such as accounting basics, managing rental properties, or crafting an effective presentation. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address; Kansas Library eCard required for initial sign-up.
Search thousands of easy-to-read, up-to-date grantmaker profiles to identify funding sources for your organization or project. You must be in the library or connected to the library's Wifi to use this resource.
Free research from social sector organizations around the world on a variety of subjects.
In addition to community garden plots, the City of Lawrence's urban agriculture program also offers an Incubator Farm for beginning market growers.
Community incubator kitchen offering commercial-grade equipment.
Trademark program to support Kansas producers and manufacturers.
A farm apprenticeship program and an annual workshop series provides educational and networking opportunities for beginning and experienced growers.
Program of the United States Department of Agriculture Regional Food Business Centers providing technical assistance, resource coordination, and capacity building services to those in the community starting or growing a farm- or food-related business.
Assistance to entrepreneurs in product and process development for food products.
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