Academic Search Premier Kansas State Library Resource
Scholarly multi-disciplinary research database.
Scholarly multi-disciplinary research database.
Bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library, encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines.
Comprehensive resource for art information, including an index of almost 200,000 art reproductions.
Access to repair, maintenance, and service information.
Trusted encyclopedia with information written for college-level learners, researchers, and faculty.
Trusted online encyclopedia with three age-appropriate levels.
Britannica Moderna es el portal confiable y actualizado que le brinda una gran variedad de contenidos para desarrollar sus trabajos académicos. Aquí encontrará miles de artículos, imágenes, mapas y otros materiales de consulta para sus investigaciones. Todo en un sitio web ¡fácil de usar!
Trusted online encyclopedia with information written for elementary, middle, and high school students.
Publications covering a wide variety of business topics, including marketing, management, accounting, finance and economics. Includes access to the Harvard Business Review. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
Provides researchers with the latest information and current trends in high technology, and also includes content from leading technology-related consumer magazines. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
Browseable medical database including drug information, topic fact sheets, medical dictionaries, and eBooks. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
A one-stop resource for researching everything from health issues to the latest solar power technology.
A research website for designed for kids, available through the State Library of Kansas.
A research website for designed for teens, available through the State Library of Kansas.
Fuente Académica es una colección de revistas académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España. Todas las áreas temáticas principales están cubiertas con énfasis particular en agricultura, ciencias biológicas, economía, historia, derecho, literatura, filosofía, psicología, administración pública, religión y sociología.
A collection of eBooks on a variety of health-related topics. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
Provides full-text access to consumer health magazines, reference books and health pamphlets. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
This full-text database offers a trusted source of nursing and allied health literature, as well as drug information written for consumers. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
Accessible at home or at the library. HeritageQuest offers access to federal census records and city directories, U.S. Indian Census Rolls, slave schedules and Freedman’s Bank records, mortality schedules, agricultural and industrial schedules, and a variety of published family and local histories.
A comprehensive history reference database containing biographies of historical figures and historical documents, photos, maps, and video. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
A collection of scholarly peer-reviewed publications including law journals, documents, and case studies.
Browse and search full-text literary works alongside journal articles, author biographies, and reviews.
Delivers articles, reference books, and an extensive image collection for every subject area. Also includes access to Consumer Reports articles.
Información sobre la medicina, la enfermería, la odontología, la medicina veterinario, la sistema de cuidado la salud, y más. Creado por la National Library of Medicine (Biblioteca Nacional de la Medicina).
Information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and more. Created by the National Library of Medicine. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
Una base de datos sobre la salud hecho por la National Library of Medicine (Biblioteca Nacional de la Medicina) por el uso de los consumidores. Incluye información sobre tópicos de salud, la medicina y suplementos, y también una colección de videos y herramientos de salud.
Designed to offer current news pertaining to all branches of the military, this database offers a thorough collection of periodicals, academic journals and other content pertinent to the increasing needs of those sites. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
Access full articles from over 850 newspapers. This database also includes transcripts of television and radio news.
Articles and abstracts from nursing publications and other medical journals, for professionals and consumers.
This database provides full-text coverage for a broad range of subjects in the fields of psychology, behavioral sciences and related disciplines. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
This cross-media platform allows users to search and browse over 10,000 items, video, book and reference titles within the Social Sciences, including CQ Press resources focusing on American government, politics and current affairs. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
Business basics, start-up kits, industry information, and access to ebooks on a variety of business and career topics. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address.
Video-based courses for developing professional skills, such as accounting basics, managing rental properties, or crafting an effective presentation. Available in the library and remotely from any computer with a Kansas IP address; Kansas Library eCard required for initial sign-up.
This collection provides full text coverage for nearly 340 trade and industry related periodicals including American Machinist, Pediatric Nursing, Wireless Week, Drug Store News, Reeves Journal, Hotel and Motel Management, Restaurant Business, Advertising Age, plus indexing and abstracts for hundreds more. Available from any computer with a Kansas IP address, or with your Kansas Library eCard.
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