You Are the Difference

Where did the year go? As 2019 begins to wrap up, we owe a huge and hearty THANK YOU to all of you who have stepped up and supported Lawrence Public Library this year. You truly are the difference.

To our patrons, who use the library and share your excitement with your families and friends (and city commissioners!) thank you. Your positive vibes are the energy that sustain us and help make LPL the best public library possible.  

To our volunteers, whether you sort book donations for the Friends or shelve and assist with library programs, thank you. Your hours of service and dedication to Lawrence Public Library are incredibly valuable and mean so much.

To our Friends and Foundation donors, thank you. You know that an investment in Lawrence Public Library is an investment in a strong community. While the library receives public funds for its core services, you continue to provide supplemental support for key community literacy programs like Summer Reading and Read Across Lawrence. You bring award-winning authors and musicians to Lawrence. You have made LPL the epicenter of learning in Lawrence.

With a new decade on the horizon, the LPL Friends and Library Foundation are planning an exciting transformation as the two separate organizations merge into one, effective January 1. The cleverly renamed Friends & Foundation will work hard to provide additional resources to meet both the immediate and long term needs of the library. We’ll continue to bring you epic book sales, great fundraising events and rewarding volunteer opportunities. In addition, we will work to grow the endowment to ensure that the library’s long-term needs are met. 

We invite you to join us in supporting the new Friends & Foundation by volunteering, advocating and donating to your public library. To make a year-end gift, please visit For information on volunteering for a Friends & Foundation standing committees (advocacy, membership and fundraising, special events, or book sales) please send an email to and we’ll get things rolling for you. 

Together, we will keep the library a strong and vibrant community anchor that will serve our children, our grandchildren and all the families of Lawrence.

-Kathleen Morgan is the Director of Development and Community Partnerships at Lawrence Public Library.