On Meditation and David Lynch

Creativity, Meditation, and The Art Life

Hearing someone speak about what they love can be infectious, and when it’s an activity that brings them less stress, increased joy, greater connectivity, and endless creativity, that always piques my attention. Pull up any video of David Lynch speaking about meditation, and you will know what I mean. Anytime the great filmmaker would speak publicly before he passed away last month, the bulk of his answers involved meditation. He was such a clear and brilliant advocate for this technique.

Energy is paramount to problem-solving, creativity, connection, and compassion for others. Meditation allows me to unlock more energy throughout my day. I am less worried about things I can't control, and more in control over the things I can. I have more patience with people close to me, and I sleep better. Everyone I have ever met would say they would like to be less stressed, have more time and energy to focus on what they love, and feel a connection to nature and to others. In a world that feels increasingly materialistic, finding that true happiness lies within may be a great secret. Learn to meditate if you want to unlock these great gifts for yourself. The closest TM center is in Overland Park, and they regularly schedule free introductory classes.

In honor of his passing, let's meditate on some of David Lynch’s inspiring offerings on creativity and peace — plus, you can revisit three of his greatest movies on Blu-Ray. Enjoy David Lynch's films, read his autobiography, and watch the documentary on his painting practice if you feel inclined to learn how he changed filmmaking and lived "The Art Life."

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