10 for 10 for 10

Last week, as a thank you, I sent a friend two books. The total? $60. For two. As someone who almost never buys books, I thought, “How do people do this all the time?” Hopefully this friend of mine isn’t reading this thinking, “Wow, thanks for complaining about the gift you sent.” He’s worth the…
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Wellness by Nathan Hill

I’ve made it no secret that when it comes to writer Nathan Hill, I am a fan. His debut novel, The Nix, is in my top ten all-time favorite books. When I had the privilege of meeting Hill for the first time in 2016, I told him I’d read his 600+ page tome twice, to…
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The Shape of Things

"So, you do have scoliosis; in fact, you have pretty severe scoliosis. Your scoliosis is the kind where we recommend surgery." I can still hear the medical resident's voice perfectly as he said these words to my child last summer. We had been shopping a month before at Donna's Dress Shop in Kansas City where…
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Hello From Home Part Two

Brace yourselves, a retrospective is coming. Last year, I wrote this piece describing what time had been like in our home after two months of "lock down." As it turns out, I'm home again although for a different reason. For the last month I've been on leave, taking care of my child who is recovering…
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