Join live author talks from home with the Library Speakers Consortium

Explore engaging talks from bestselling authors and thought leaders, both live and on-demand, with the Library Speakers Consortium — ideal for book lovers, book clubs, and anyone eager to expand their literary horizons (Lawrence, KS).

by Ben Trickey, Marketing & Communications Specialist, feat. Polli Kenn, Readers' Services Supervisor

Join the Conversation with Bestselling Authors

Did you know you can see your favorite writers speak live from the comfort of your home? With access to the Library Speakers Consortium, library patrons can now register to participate in hour-long, live digital events featuring prominent writers, researchers, and thought leaders — and you don’t even need a library card.

“It’s a consortium of over 400 libraries around the country,” Readers' Services Supervisor Polli Kenn explained. “This has been a great way to pool our resources with other libraries to bring in big names that patrons might not otherwise get to see.”

Upcoming Authors to Look Forward To

Just this fall, the consortium will host live conversations with popular novelists, like Liane Moriarty, author of the New York Times best seller Big Little Lies, and Silvia Moreno-Garcia, author of the Locus award–winning novel Mexican Gothic.

And the events aren’t just limited to fiction writers either. Upcoming events featuring non-fiction writers span from memoirists, like Javier Zamora, author of Solito, to scientists from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute discussing their research on tropical bats.

Submit Your Questions for Live Q&A

By submitting questions at registration or in the live, moderated chat, patrons can take an active role in the conversation. “You can actually submit questions for the author before or during the event,” Kenn said. “And even if you can't be there live, you can still submit questions and watch the recording later.”

Collaborative watch parties are also encouraged since these events Consortium aren’t limited to the library’s service area either. “If there’s a speaker you really love, and they’re a favorite of your family member who lives across the country, you can send them the link and you can watch it together,” Kenn said. The library also hopes to schedule in-person viewings of the digital speakers to continue the conversation beyond the end of the live stream.

Explore the Archive of Past Speakers

And if there’s a speaker you’re interested in seeing live but can’t attend, the event recording will be available to view in the consortium’s expansive archive of past speakers. Kenn suggested that the archive is a great resource for book clubs looking for new ways to engage with what they’re reading. “I would encourage you to look through the archives and see if there are any authors that you've read, preview an author you’re going to read, or use the event of someone you’ve really enjoyed to help guide book club discussion.”

Not sure where to start? Readers’ Services has curated a list of all the books featured in the consortium’s archives to connect you with your favorite featured authors and titles.

For a list of all upcoming speakers, access the Library Speakers Consortium via our Digital Library.

About Lawrence Public Library

Lawrence Public Library (LPL for short) is a community hub that believes in the power of connecting with each other through shared knowledge and resources. Located in the heart of Downtown Lawrence, Kansas, we are committed to providing a space where our community can learn, connect, create, and grow through access to our vast collections, resources, services, programs, and knowledgeable staff. The library is supported by tax dollars, record-breaking book sales and philanthropic efforts by the LPL Friends & Foundation, and the dedicated efforts of more than 300 volunteers. All are welcome.



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