Burn Book

Why review tech writer Kara Swisher's new book when I know so little about computers? And, I'll admit, care little for most of those filthy rich people whose names we all know? Well, it's more a "memoir with tech bros" (a better subtitle than hers, BTW) than it is a tech book, written by an opinionated…
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Nourishing Roots

Reader, I fear you've committed an agricultural act. Again. Probably just a few hours ago. As poet/farmer Wendell Berry famously pointed out, "eating is an agricultural act." Yet how many consider it so when they open the fridge or pull in the drive-thru? The ramifications are endless. Every time you eat, you contribute to soil…
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Wild Times

Next to me sit two fat books, over 1,500 Pulitzer Prize-winning pages, on J. Robert Oppenheimer and the atomic bomb. Which with some effort I will now push aside, despite my interest in the matter. There are other issues of importance at hand. Two new titles on the theme of wilderness have held my attention…
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Ten years ago I boldly reviewed a book called Reinventing Bach, despite the fact that I'm musically illiterate. Against some coworkers' advice, I've also posted a rather negative review of an up-and-coming author's book (which several people told me they appreciated), and even "reviewed" a book I hadn't read. Now I'm going to try to…
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All the Beauty

One of the perks of working at the Ask Desk is how over time one gets to know a good chunk of Lawrence's library-going population. From artists and mechanics, to struggling folks proud to tell you about their new job, to kids and retirees new to town, it's a living version of the Pictures at…
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Endless Forms Most Beautiful

Aaand there went another Groundhog Day. You know what that means: we're more than halfway through winter. Time to think about the birds and the bees. Literally. I think about the birds much of the time, but late last year I found myself suddenly intrigued by the bees and other bugs (thank you Ed Yong…
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Deep Listening

Flying to Florida, looking out from a cramped window seat as we descended over the Gulf of Mexico, I did a double-take. Were it not for my seat belt I would have jumped up and down, for I clearly saw a sperm whale at the surface. I've wondered if my eyes were playing tricks ever…
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