Welcome to Lawrence Public Library (LPL for short)
As a cardholder, you've been granted free access to a wealth of resources that educate, entertain, and inform. Your LPL library card is the ultimate antidote to boredom.
Whether you reap the rewards of your membership in person at our downtown location or access resources and checkouts online, you'll soon discover: The benefits are boundless. However, there are a few limitations on how you can use your card.
Take a look at the guidelines below and let us know if you have any questions. We're always happy to pitch in on your quest to vanquish boredom. That's what we do!
Patrons that meet the following residency criteria are generally eligible to obtain a library card:
- Residents of Lawrence.
- Residents of the area that is included within the Northeast Kansas Library System (NEKLS).
- Students or staff attending a university within Lawrence as long as they maintain student or staff status.
- A school ID is required.
- Persons employed in Lawrence but that reside outside of Northeast Kansas.
- Typically this will involve someone that lives in Kansas City, MO that commutes to work in Lawrence.
- They must be able to receive mail in Lawrence and provide a Lawrence address.
- Part time residents that pay property taxes within Lawrence.
- Typically this involves patrons that own a home in Lawrence but have another permanent residence out of state.
The patron must accept responsibility for all fees incurred for lost or damaged materials borrowed on the card.
To obtain a library card eligible patrons must complete the registration process. The process can be started through the library’s website where the patron will receive a provisional card number that can be used to place up to 3 holds. To complete registration the patron must come to an Accounts service point to show photo ID and proof (note exceptions for special accommodations below). A P.O. Box can be set for mail, but a physical address where they are staying must also be provided. The entire process can also be done from start to finish at the Accounts desk without website pre-registration.
Photo ID
A photo ID is required to register for a library card account. Requiring an ID helps the library maintain good stewardship of the collection by holding the correct patron responsible for the items they borrow. An ID also helps prevent fraud and violation of library policy concerning number of accounts allowed per patron, number of items borrowed at once, total fees allowed, etc. An ID helps protect patron privacy by ensuring that only the account holder or responsible guardian is allowed access.
Acceptable forms of photo ID include:
- Any state driver’s license, state ID, passport, military ID, federal tribal ID, or student ID.
- Photocopies or photographs of an ID will not be accepted.
Proof of address
- Proof of permanent address is required for full borrowing privileges.
- This may include an ID with the current address, a piece of postmarked mail such as a bill, a lease agreement, a check, a pay stub, a change of address letter from the post office, or an e-bill (if you can show it on your smartphone).
- The applicant’s or applicant’s guardian’s name must appear on the proof of address.
- Patrons unable to prove address or that reside in temporary housing can still receive a card with a 3 item limit.
Patrons under 18 years of age
- Eligible borrowers under the age of 18 require parent or guardian permission for full borrowing privileges. The parent or guardian must accompany the youth to the library and present a photo ID.
- Patrons ages 12-17 that can show a photo ID can start an unverified 3 item card without parent or guardian involvement.
- Parents or guardians applying for a child must bring the child to the library when picking up the card.
Special accommodations
- Patrons residing at a retirement community on the library’s book van route may register for a card during the van’s weekly visit.
- Patrons eligible for home delivery service can register at their home with the assistance of library home delivery staff.
- Other special accommodation will be provided to individuals with disabilities as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requiring assistance in applying for a library card. Typically this will involve arranging to have a surrogate come to the library on the patron’s behalf to show ID and proof of address to obtain the card.
Verified Card
- Patron meets all eligibility requirements.
- Patron (or guardian) has shown photo ID and proof of permanent address within the library’s service area.
- 50 item borrowing limit.
- 25 item hold limit.
- 3 year expiration date (renewable with verbal or written contact information verification).
Unverified Card
- Patron meets all eligibility requirements.
- Patron (or guardian) has shown photo ID but no proof of address.
- 3 item borrowing limit.
- 3 item hold limit.
- 1 year expiration for adults, 3 year expiration for youth (renewable with verbal or written contact information verification).
- An unverified card can be converted to a verified card with the presentation of proof of address.
Temporary Card
- Patron is currently living within the service area.
- Patron (or guardian) has shown a photo ID.
- The patron resides in temporary housing such as a shelter, campground, etc.
- 3 item borrowing limit.
- 3 item hold limit.
- 1 year expiration (renewable with verbal or written contact information verification).
- Note that proof of temporary address will not change borrowing limits.
- A temporary card can be converted to a verified card with the presentation of proof of permanent address.
Provisional Card
- Card number issued via form on website.
- Can be used to sign up for a Bibliocommons account.
- No borrowing privileges.
- 3 item hold limit.
- 1 month expiration (no renewals, purged from system after expiration).
- A provisional card can be converted to a verified card with the presentation of a photo ID and proof of permanent address.
Teacher Card
- Available to teachers at:
- USD 497
- preschools in Lawrence
- daycare centers in Lawrence
- private schools in Lawrence
- any district in the Northeast Kansas Library System region not already served by a public library
- Teacher loans are intended to supply materials for student use in the classroom and allow a teacher to keep professional use materials separate from personal use.
- To obtain a teacher card and yearly renewal:
- USD 497 teachers need to show a current school ID at the Accounts desk.
- All others, current documentation that they are employed by at one of the above listed institutions
- The teacher is directly responsible for anything borrowed on the card. Compensation for fees from their school must be arranged by the teacher. No pre-existing agreements exist between the library and any school.
- 50 item borrowing limit.
- 25 item hold limit.
- 1 year expiration date (renewable with presentation of documentation that they are still employed as a teacher).
- Available to teachers at:
Organization Card
- Available to organizations and businesses:
- located within Lawrence
- whose owner or administrator accepts financial responsibility for all items borrowed on the account including fees associated with items returned with damage and items never returned.
- Organization loans are intended to supply materials for organization use where it is more appropriate for an organization to assume responsibility for items rather than an individual staff member.
- To obtain an organization card the owner or administrator must:
- present a signed letter with an official letterhead indicating that the organization accepts financial responsibility for all items borrowed on the account.
- present a photo ID, proof of address, and complete standard registration with all relevant contact information.
- List staff members authorized to use the account.
- 50 item borrowing limit.
- 25 item hold limit.
- 1 year expiration date (renewable with verbal or written verification of contact information and of authorized users).
- Available to organizations and businesses:
Staff Bibliocommons Card
- Available to library staff.
- Staff BC cards are intended for professional use in designing lists and other content for Bibliocommons, as well as checking out items related to library work.
- 50 item borrowing limit.
- 25 item hold limit.
- Expires when staff leave employment at the library.
Renewing your card
- Your card will "expire" periodically so we can verify your contact information. Stop by the Accounts desk, email us at accounts@lplks.org, opens a new window, or give us a call at 785-843-3833 to renew your card.
Inactive library cards
- Library card accounts with no outstanding fees, holds, or checked out items that remain inactive for 3 or more years will be deleted from the system.
Using your card
Bring your library card each time you come to the library to check out materials. Use it to gain access to premium online resources on the library's website, and borrow digital ebooks, comics, audiobooks, and stream video.
You can also use it from home to look at what you have checked out, renew materials, request items, and pay your fees with a credit or debit card ($0.50 convenience fee applies for online payments).
You will need both your library card number and your PIN to login online.
Library card account access rules
- For full access to their library account a patron must possess their library card and PIN, or photo ID.
- Patrons have the option to show photo ID and have a photo taken and linked to their account. This photo will serve as a photo ID for future account access.
- Partial access can be provided with certain account information verification.
Information Provided | Access Granted | Exceptions |
Photo ID (or photo captured with previous presentation of photo ID) |
Physical Library Card and PIN |
Number and PIN |
Physical Library Card Only |
Number Only |
Name + info verification
(Account must belong to this patron or they must be the guardian responsible.) |
Name only
(can’t adequately verify info or not the account holder or guardian) |
What you check out on your library card is confidential.
- Patron registration and circulation records are exempt from disclosure through the Kansas Open Records Act and will only be released upon receipt of a valid court order or subpoena authorized under federal, state, or local law.
- Account information will only be disclosed to the registered account holder, in the case of patrons under the age of 18 to the parent or guardian responsible, or as otherwise required by law.
- Library cards turned into Accounts may be retrieved by the card holder or legal guardian with the presentation of an acceptable form of photo identification. We'll send you an email if we have one turned in.
- Lost cards not retrieved within 1 year will be disposed of.
- Lost cards may be replaced by Accounts staff for the card holder or legal guardian with the presentation of an acceptable form of photo identification.
- Patrons are eligible to receive one free replacement card a year. Each replacement card thereafter will cost $1.
Protect your account by keeping your card safe and reporting a lost or stolen library card immediately. Card owners are responsible for materials borrowed on their cards until they are reported lost or stolen.
Personal Identification Number (PIN)
- PINs are required for checkout of library materials and accessing many of our online resources.
- Keep your PIN safe. Both a card and PIN are required to borrow items. This helps ensure that you're only responsible for things you actually borrowed.
What happens if you forget your PIN?
- PINs are encrypted in the library software so it is impossible for staff to see what has been set by a patron.
- Staff can reset a PIN for a patron with the presentation of an acceptable form of photo identification.
- PINs must be numeric and between 4-8 digits long.
- If a patron has previously registered with Bibliocommons and has an email address on file, Bibliocommons does have a PIN reset feature that will allow the patron to reset their PIN on their own.
In-library checkouts
- All in building checkouts will occur on the self check machines unless there is a technological issue. Accounts staff are always available to assist.
- Checkout requires scanning the library card or typing in the library card number, as well as entering a PIN.
- The library card number can be retrieved from Accounts staff with the presentation of an acceptable form of photo identification.
Outside the library
- Items held at the Smart Lockers at the Clinton Parkway HyVee will also require scanning the library card or typing in the library card number, as well as entering a PIN.
- Items borrowed through outreach events will be checked out through library staff on site.
How long can you keep an item you borrow?
- Most items checkout for 28 days with the exception of certain item types (see table below)
- Loan periods of shortened duration and checkout limits may be temporarily placed on classes of heavily used or seasonal materials with the prior approval of the Library Director.
- When an item reaches 2 weeks overdue further checkout of materials is prohibited. Return of the overdue item will immediately restore access.
Item Type | Loan Period |
How many items can you borrow at once?
- Verified accounts in good standing may borrow up to 50 items at a time.
- Unverified and temporary accounts in good standing may borrow up to 3 items at a time.
- Some item types have lower sub-limits on the number that can be borrowed (see table below)
Item Type | Total allowed |
When are my items due?
- Each time you check out materials, you can opt to receive a receipt that shows what you checked out and when it is due. Keep that receipt handy and you'll have an easy way to know when your books and videos are due.
- You can also check your account online at our catalog with your library card number and your PIN.
- Or stop by the Accounts desk or give us a call at 785-843-3833. Have your library card number handy and we can look up your due dates.
Can you extend your checkout period?
You may attempt to renew through your account on the online catalog, over the phone at 785-843-3833, at one of the online catalog stations in the library, at a staff desk, or at the checkout kiosks.
- Most items can be renewed up to 4 times.
- Some items have fewer total renewals allowed (see table below)
- No item that has an active hold may be renewed.
- Once an item has hit its renewal limit, it must be returned to the library.
- Patrons that owe fees of $10 or more, or that have items that have reached 2 weeks late may not renew any items.
Item Type | Renewals Allowed |
Automatic renewal
Note that library software will attempt to automatically renew items on their due date. All normal limits listed above will apply.
Can I reserve items?
- A hold is a request placed for an item which is checked out, on order, or otherwise unavailable.
- For items with multiple requests, a queue is established and each request will be filled in the order in which it was received.
- Holds may be placed on most circulating items (see table below for exceptions).
- Holds that have not been filled may be paused or suspended for a specific or unspecified time limit. During that time the patron will retain their place in line but will be passed over for the hold. When the hold is unsuspended the patron will receive the item based on their place in line.
- A maximum of 25 holds may be active for verified cards at any given time.
- A maximum of 3 holds may be active for a patron with an unverified, temporary, or provisional card.
- Hold items may be picked up at the library or at the SmartLockers at HyVee on Clinton Parkway. Locker space is limited and patrons having items held at the lockers should expect a longer wait time. Patrons on the book van or home delivery service will have their holds delivered on a regular schedule.
- Items held in the main library will stay on the hold shelf for 7 days. Items held at the lockers will remain in the lockers for 3 days. If not picked up within these time limits the item will go onto the next person in line or back to the shelf if no other holds exist. Days the library is closed will not count toward these time limits.
Item Type | Holds Allowed |
What if the library doesn't own the item I'm looking for?
- The library will operate an interlibrary loan function for the purpose of borrowing, or obtaining copies of, library materials not available in the Library. Items eligible for request are based on reciprocal interlibrary loan service to other institutions.
- A maximum of 10 Interlibrary Loan requests may be active for a patron at any given time with a verified library account in good standing.
- Materials borrowed from other libraries for library patrons are subject to the rules and regulations of the loaning libraries, and any charges for obtaining the item in addition to fees from overdue, damaged, or lost materials will be charged to the patron.
- Patrons with an unverified card may make ILL requests but must verify their address before borrowing the item.
- Patrons with a temporary card may make ILL requests but may only use the item inside the library.
Learn more about interlibrary loan
- Patrons may also suggest items be considered for purchase for the library's collections.
- 3 requests may be made per month.
- Purchase requests can be made through your online account.
- Items should be returned on or before their due dates.
- Items that hit 2 weeks late will freeze the account until the item is returned.
- Items not returned within 4 weeks after their due date will be assumed lost. Replacement and processing fees will be charged to the library card account.
- Items returned missing a piece (e.g. disc from TV show, cord from digital device, single copy from a BCIAB, etc) will remain checked out to the patron until the missing part is returned.
- Email or paper notices will be sent to the patron alerting them to the missing part.
- Items with missing parts will be held behind the Accounts desk for 90 days. After 90 days the remainder of the item will be withdrawn from the collection and the patron will be liable for the entire replacement cost. In cases where the missing part can be purchased separately from the set, the patron will be charged only for the missing part.
- If a patron believes they have returned an item that still appears checked out on their account library staff will do a search of the shelves and carts.
- If the item is located it will be checked in and any associated fees will be waived.
- If the item is not located in the library staff will attempt to renew the item for another checkout period.
- The patron will be asked to do their own search at home. If the item is not located at home by the next due date the patron should request another staff search.
- After two checkout periods and two unsuccessful searches by staff at the library, staff will err in favor of the patron up to three times and remove the item from their account with no fees. Patrons that have exceeded three items will be referred to the Accounts coordinator for consideration of removal of subsequent items.
- Library cards with items that reach 2 weeks late will be blocked from further checkouts, renewals, and holds.
- When the item or items in question are returned this block will automatically be removed.
- There are no late fines, however items that reach 4 weeks late will be assumed lost and replacement fees will be charged to the library card account. Returning such items in good condition will remove the fees.
- The library will provide courtesy notices regarding borrowed materials.
- Notices will be sent via email, automated phone message, and SMS message depending on patron preference and contact information supplied.
- Contact Accounts staff regarding notice preferences.
Types of notices currently available:
Type of Notice | Method | Timing |
Email, phone, SMS | After arrival of item on hold shelf |
Email, SMS | 3 days before due date |
Email, SMS | Due date |
Email, phone, SMS | 7 days overdue |
Email, SMS | 14 days overdue |
Email, phone, SMS | 30 days overdue |
Email, phone, SMS | At return of item to library |
60 days overdue | |
Email, SMS | 30 days before card expires |
*Notices are a courtesy only -- YOU are ultimately responsible for your due dates and fees.
- Items are automatically assumed lost at 30 days overdue (24 hours overdue for in-house use laptops). They can also be marked lost sooner at the request of the borrowing patron.
- Items returned with damage are evaluated and charged at the time of return.
- The fee for lost, damaged, or non-returned materials is the cost of replacement plus $4.00 processing fee.
- The cost of a replacement is the actual cost of the item as recorded in the catalog record. If an actual cost is not available, a default charge is incurred.
- The List of Default Prices (maintained in the ILS by Collection Services), based on the average cost of similar items, may be updated from time to time by the Library Director without further action or approval by the Lawrence Public Library Board of Trustees.
- When unpaid fees total $10.00 or more, further checkout of materials is prohibited.
- Fees may be paid in person at an Accounts service point, through the patron’s account on the website (a $0.50 convenience fee applies for online payments), or through the mail by check.
- If a patron independently purchases a replacement copy, the item will be accepted only if the item is in new condition and an exact ISBN match. A $4.00 processing fee will still apply.
- Damaged items will be held behind the Accounts desk for 30 day from the time of billing. The patron may keep the damaged item after payment. After 30 days if unclaimed the item will be sent for recycling.
- If a lost item is found and returned in acceptable condition within 3 months after payment, the Library will refund the cost of the item minus the processing fee. Regarding materials borrowed from other libraries, payments for lost materials will be non-refundable after the library reimburses the lending institution.
- Refunds of $0.01-$30 may be given as cash at the Accounts desk with a photo ID. Refunds of $5.00 or more may be mailed as a check after approval at the monthly board meeting.
- Refunds may be maintained as a credit on a library card account and used for payment of future fees. Credits may be used through the website or at the Accounts desk. Credits may only be used for library replacement, processing, and collection fees.
- Theft does not exempt the borrower from payment for the loss of library materials.
- For lost items, if the item is returned in good condition within 24 months after being billed as lost, the fee is automatically waived. Fees for items returned after that time period has elapsed will remain the patron’s responsibility.
- If a multiple item set has been returned without all its parts, the bill will be reduced only if all parts are returned within 3 months of notification.
- Materials lost or damaged due to extraordinary events such as a house fire, tornado, or flood will be excused with documentation. Billing information will be provided for insurance purposes where applicable.
- The library may forgive charges against a customer account in other unusual circumstances not covered above.
- Fees assessed to patrons for lost and damaged materials which have aged beyond the legal date for collection will be written off per accounting best practices throughout the year. Typically fees unpaid after 3 years will be considered unrecoverable and purged from the system.
- Accounts with non-returned or damaged items with unpaid balances of $50.00 or more are submitted to a collection agency 45 days after the balance is incurred.
- Accounts that reach this status are assessed a non-refundable $10.00 referral fee.
- The collection agency will attempt contact by letter and phone for 160 days.
- Collection agency blocks are removed (and borrowing privileges restored) only after the balance is cleared in full.
- Patrons with accounts in danger of collection may start a formal payment plan with the library by inquiring at the Accounts desk. If payments are made on an agreed upon schedule (minimum $10 per month) then the account will not be referred to collections. Patrons with accounts already in collection may also start a payment plan to suspend them from collection contact.