Book Drop Locations
Please note: We love when you donate items for our book sales, but please don't put them in any of our book drops. Here's what we take and where to leave it. Thank you so much.

Outside the Library
7th & Kentucky
- Located on the west side of the library
- Enter at the north end of the 1-way circle drive
- Drive up to the metal boxes in the library's wall
- Exit along the circle drive onto Kentucky Street

3504 Clinton Parkway
- Walk-up located in front of the store
- Find it on the east end (by the propane)

Inside the Library
Self-Check Lobby
- Take your first right after the security gates
- Head towards our Accounts Desk and look right
- You'll see it in the wall next to the elevator
- PS — Watch items get sorted around the corner!

Checkers Foods
2300 Louisiana Street
- Walk-up located in front of the store
- Find it to the left of the entrance

4701 West 6th Street
- Walk-up located in front of the store
- Find it to the left of the entrance