Child Support Services Agency

Kansas Child Support Services 

(CSS) helps children receive the financial support necessary for their growth and development. The program assists by establishing parentage and orders for child and medical support, locating noncustodial parents and their property, enforcing child and medical support orders, and modifying support orders as appropriate. In Kansas, the CSS office is part of the Kansas Department for Children & Families (DCF). Anyone can get child support services, free or for a small fee. 

CSS automatically serves families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Food Assistance, medical, foster care, and child care assistance. Assistance from CSS is also available to any family regardless of income or residency, who applies for our services.

How to Receive Child Support Services

To contact CSS during regular business hours (M-F 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.), call the Child Support Call Center (CSCC) toll free at 1-888-757-2445. A child support representative can discuss how to enroll for services, support services in general, or answer questions about an existing child support case.

Establishing Paternity

Child Support Services through DCF offers free genetic testing to establish paternity, help finding the father if he has moved, getting a support order and collecting child support payments.| 1-888-757-2445 | 1901 Delaware Street (Lawrence Office)