An Assembly of Community Gatherings, Including Juneteenth

This is an invitation to deepen your connections in our community, attend notable events in Lawrence, and checkout related reading. I hope you’ll attend several of these local happenings and that you also find books of interest. Please read on! The Wakarusa Wetlands Celebration is Sunday, July 10, rescheduled from June 5 due to potential…
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A Bookishly Gothic Reckoning

"Five days after Flora died, she was still coming to the bookstore. I’m still not strictly rational. How could I be? I sell books." --- Louise Erdrich, The Sentence --- I cannot remember when I last read a book which inspired me to uninhibitedly laugh out loud and cry heartfelt tears! I’m deeply moved by…
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Migrations of Art Near and Far

As this full harvest moon shines on the autumn equinox, flights of migration and vast bird murmurations are happening! And as promised in my previous post about the artists that make Lawrence well-known as a creative place, I have more to share from local artists and their artworks in our community. This time in addition…
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