Staff of the LPL inventoried the whole library recently and I was lucky enough to be tasked to help undertake the local history room. I found the most fascinating things. I have worked at the library for many years and I never made the time to examine what was exactly in the Osma collection. I…
You Need Flower Therapy
Personally, in the months between frosts I yearn for blooms to bring into my house. I love to design with flowers to freshen up my home with the smells and sights of nature. Creating a design brings me into a meditative state and connects me to nature. During these dark months of the year, you…
Books I Think Are Better Than Dave Ramsey’s
This photo is a picture of my future self taken from my vision board. Man, was I excited at mid Spring when I had in my sight the payoff date of my 20 year old student loan. For a couple years prior, I had been putting every extra cent I made working full time and…
It’s (Almost) Spring!
It’s Spring and my side gig is heating up, just like the weather.
I attended KU years ago, I changed my major 3 times, and finally with the guidance of my awes
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