LPL Zine Collection
Help us build our local collection!
Zines are works that connect us to each other, help us learn, and archive local history as it’s happening — and they're easy to make. We invite you to contribute one of your own!

What is a Zine?
Think of a zine (pronounced zeen) as the younger sibling of a magazine: more DIY, less professional glamour. Zines have a long history in our pop culture, and the first “real” zine is hotly debated – some think it was Thomas Paine’s Common Sense – but zines are generally united by these characteristics:
What can I donate?
The LPL Zine Collection is a home for local zines: zines created in and/or about northeast Kansas. Zines submitted to the collection will be reviewed by a team of librarians, who will make sure that the submission is:
- created by a resident of northeast Kansas OR about northeast Kansas in some respect (i.e., local historical or cultural significance)
- replicable with a photocopy machine and standard copy paper (sorry, no artist’s books!)
- in accordance with our Material Selection and Collection Development Policy
How do I donate?
To submit your zine in print: Bring two copies of your zine to the Ask Desk in the library. Please include your contact information with your submissions.
To submit your zine digitally: Fill out the form below. Be prepared to upload a scanned copy of your zine!
Zine Creator Form
"*" indicates required fields
Where can I learn more?
More information
Paper Plains Zine Fest 2022
Local Resource: Wonder Fair
Neither/nor Zine Distro
Paper Plains Zine Fest 2022
Local Resource: Wonder Fair
Neither/nor Zine Distro
Got a zine question?

Kevin Corcoran
Cataloging and Collection Development Coordinator
kcorcoran (at)