Thanks for taking the 2024 Summer Reading challenge. See you next year!

Read 10 books or log 30 hours of reading and win prizes!
All Ages Summer Reading Challenge
May 22–Aug 17, 2024
Adventure Begins at Your Library
La Aventura Comienza en tu Biblioteca
Come one, come all as we band together for another summer packed with reading challenges, free events, and ADVENTURE! As a bonus, there's an awesome lineup of prizes waiting for you at the finish line!

Download Beanstack to your device. Bájate la aplicación ‘Beanstack’. GET HELP: How to log your reading on the app.
Pick a reading challenge that's right for you. Escoge el desafío de lectura apropiado para tu nivel de lectura.
Log reading, earn badges, attend events, win prizes! Registra tu lectura, gana tus insignias, asiste a eventos, ¡gana premios!
Ages 0 – entering 5th grade
(1) book of your choice
(2) books from the LPL Friends & Foundation (how to shop)
(1) game of bowling at Royal Crest Lanes
(1) cookie from Eileen's Colossal Cookies
(1) sundae from Culver's
(1) kid's combo from Raising Cane's
(1) treat from Squishington's
(1) pass to CLIMB Lawrence
(1) ticket into our kid grand prize raffle for one of these prizes:
- (1) 10-visit punch card to the Lawrence Aquatic Center
- (4) passes to the Kansas Children's Discovery Center
- (1) 30-day membership to Up and Away Indoor Play
- (4) passes to The Rabbit Hole in KC
- (4) passes to Worlds of Fun
- (4) tickets to a KU Football game
- (1) $500 gift card to Sunflower Outdoor and Bike Shop
Entering 6th – exiting 12th grades
(1) book of your choice
(1) summer reading tee
(2) books from the LPL Friends & Foundation (how to shop)
(1) game of bowling at Royal Crest Lanes
(1) cookie from Eileen's Colossal Cookies
(1) sundae from Culver's
(1) treat from Squishington's
(1) pass to CLIMB Lawrence
(1) ticket into our teen grand prize raffle for one of these prizes
- (1) skateboard from River Rat Skate Shop
- (1) gift basket of art supplies from Wonder Fair
- (1) candy and gift card basket to The Raven
- (1) gift card to VR Lawrence
- (4) passes to Worlds of Fun
- (4) tickets to a KU Football game
- (1) Switch Lite
- (1) $500 gift card to Sunflower Outdoor and Bike Shop
Ages 18+
(2) books from the LPL Friends & Foundation (how to shop)
(1) game of bowling at Royal Crest Lanes
(1) cookie from Eileen's Colossal Cookies
(1) yoga class from Bluestem Yoga
(1) 10% coupon to The Raven Bookstore
(1) library tote (while supplies last)
(1) book of your choice (while supplies last)
(1) ticket into our adult grand prize raffle for:
- (1) $100 gift card to The Raven Bookstore
- (2) $50 gift card to The Raven Bookstore
- (4) $25 gift card to The Raven Bookstore
The Beanstack app is awesome, but for you old-school Summer Readers who love holding a paper log in your hands, download one of these PDFs to track your efforts.
La aplicación “Beanstack” es fantástica, pero para aquellas personas de la vieja escuela que prefieren trabajar con papel en mano, tendremos una hoja de registro en formato PDF que pueden imprimir, y donde pueden ir anotando sus logros (¡y guardarla como recuerdo!)
Students tend to lose critical skills learned during the school year when brains are less engaged over summer break, making it much harder to jump back into school in the fall if a student falls behind. We've made it part of our mission to fill in that gap. With dedicated youth professionals and librarians, we ensure every kid and teen in town has a place to learn, connect, create, and grow their brains over summer break. Read more here.
La lectura durante el verano ayuda a que nuestrxs niñxs no pierdan habilidades que han ido adquiriendo durante el año escolar. Permite que sus cerebros continúen activos, facilitando el reingreso en la escuela en el otoño y evitando que inicien el nuevo curso con retraso. Las familias que disponen de solvencia económica a menudo pagan para que sus hijxs participen en programas de verano, pero esto no le es posible a familias con menos recursos, cuyxs hijxs están en mayor riesgo de perder las habilidades que han ido ganando durante el año escolar. Estamos comprometidxs a proveer medios para remediar las consecuencias de esta inequidad de recursos. Gracias a la ayuda de nuestrxs bibliotecarixs y profesionales, trabajamos para asegurar que todxs lxs niñxs y adolescentes de Lawrence tengan acceso a un espacio para aprender, conectar con otrxs, crear y cultivar la mente durante los próximos tres meses. Bájese AQUI el documento “Lectura de Verano. Resumen en números” de