IMAGE CREDIT: ©Tim Griffiths for Multistudio
On November 8, 2023, Lawrence Public Library began its lease with the City of Lawrence (the City) for the Library Plaza, an area that comprises the green space south of the library (a.k.a. the “Library Lawn”), concrete access ramp adjacent to the Vermont Street Garage, and the upper level concrete pad from the top of the lawn to the sidewalk on Vermont Street.
The lease does not include the Vermont Street Parking Garage and any comments or concerns about the garage should be forwarded to the City of Lawrence at parking@lawrenceks.org.
With this lease comes new usage guidelines and hours of operation for the Library Plaza. In addition, the green space will be reserved only for official library-sponsored and library partner events moving forward.
The Library Plaza remains available to the public for recreational use during open hours. We invite you to have picnics, do cartwheels, read on a blanket — even watch the sunset!
Library Campus Usage Guidelines
The Library Campus, which now includes the Library Plaza, is a shared public space. To ensure that everyone feels welcome here, we ask everyone to be respectful of each other and library property. By using the library's surrounding outdoor campus, visitors agree to follow the library's Code of Conduct, including but not limited to:
No littering
No alcohol or drug use
No smoking or vaping
No verbal harassment
No off-leash or free-roaming animals
No illegal activity
No camping
Please don't leave your belongings unattended. Lawrence Public Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Library Plaza Hours
Open 8 AM–8 PM
Closed 8 PM–8 AM
During official library events, the Library Plaza may remain open until the event is over.

Map showing the Library Plaza
This space includes the lawn, accessiblity ramp adjacent to the north side of the Vermont Street parking garage, stairs, and upper level concrete pad from the stairs to the public sidewalk.

Map showing the Library Campus
This space includes the library itself, the Library Plaza, Reader's Garden, and green spaces surrounding the library on Vermont, Kentucky, and 7th Streets up to the public sidewalk.
For more information, contact:

Heather Kearns
Marketing & Patron Experience Supervisor
hkearns (at) lplks.org

Kayla Cook
Media Relations & Communications Specialist
kcook (at) lplks.org