Kansas Holistic Defender's provides criminal defense services (legal representation) in misdemeanor criminal court cases for those who cannot financially access representation on their own in Douglas County 7th Judicial District Court. KHD also provides civil representation services for eviction cases in Douglas County.
At this time, Kansas Holistic Defender's does not take walk-in's from clients with general legal concerns and can only provide legal services connected to someone's criminal case or an eviction in Douglas County.
- KHF has two client advocates who work with clients throughout their case, and can provide connection to community resources.
- More information about Kansas Holistic Defender's office can be found here.
- KHD criminal services are strictly court-appointed.
- Please contact 785.285.9795 for civil case inquiries.
1204 Oread Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66044 | 785-284-9835 |Info@kansasholisticdefenders.org